Administering exams
Use the following page as an outline to prepare for administering your first exam as a bahabeach Authorized Testing Center (CATC).
Preparing to deliver exams
Reminder: The person administering the exam must be associated with your center as a Proctor. For more information about associations and roles.
Registering as a user: All test candidates must register an account with bahabeach. Each person will only ever need one login/username. If you are unsure whether you have previously registered, please contact us.
Installation of the exam delivery system(s): Each computer used for testing should be set up and configured prior to exam delivery. See our Get Started page to determine which delivery method is right for your CATC.
- Compass: For downloading and installing the Compass exam delivery system (Login required)
- bahabeach Mac Launcher: For downloading and installing the Mac Launcher for Mac-compatible exams. (Login required)
Check for updates and test for readiness
Prior to a scheduled testing event you should check for available updates to the exam delivery system and then review your workstations and environment to foster the best testing experience. Review the Top 10 checklist page for a list of various pre-exam tips.
Administering exams
The following is only an outline, please see below for links to more detailed instructions.
- The Proctor will validate the test candidate's identity by checking a government-issued picture identification card and then verifying the testing environment before administering any exam.
- Each test candidate will double-click the applicable desktop icon to launch the exam delivery software.
- Each test candidate will enter their username and password to log in.
- Test candidates will select whether or not they will be using an Exam Group (optional). Using exam groups provides additional tracking and reporting functionality. View the guide for more information regarding exam groups.
- The test candidate will select whether or not a voucher will be used for the exam (enter the voucher exactly how it is shown). If they are using a license or inventory, skip the voucher question and click the 'Next' button.
- The candidate will then choose the program, suite, and individual exam to be taken.
- On the last page, the Proctor will need to verify that all the information is correct and check a box before entering their username to unlock and launch the exam. The exam timer does not begin until after the test candidate reviews the exam tutorial.
- The Proctor will observe the test candidate(s) throughout the duration of the exam using the appropriate observation methods.
Seat time
As you can see from the steps above, there is more to administering an exam than just letting the Test Candidate go through the timed portion of the certification exam. Additional time will be required to administer an exam from start to finish with input from both the Proctor/Teacher as well as the Test Candidate. This administrative time combined with the allotted exam time is known as the “Seat Time”.
For an enhanced summary of the Compass download, install, maintenance, and exam launch process, see our Compass page. For detailed instructions on our delivery systems, please refer to our quick reference guides.
If you have technical problems while delivering exams, contact us (inside North America) or one of our bahabeach Authorized Partners (outside North America).