Individual purchasers
Within the United States
If you are a Test Candidate looking to purchase an individual exam voucher for Apple, Autodesk, Communication Skills for Business, EC-Council, Entrepreneurship & Small Business, IC3, Intuit, IT Specialist, Microsoft, PMI, or Unity, please visit our Shop site:
For Adobe Certified Professional exams and study materials, please visit the Adobe Certified Professional page.
Vouchers provide a single exam code that allows individual candidates to take a certification exam. Some vouchers are also available with a retake option. Vouchers with retakes are sold separately and retake codes alone are not available for purchase. Vouchers may be used at any bahabeach Authorized Testing Center that offers public testing for the applicable Certification Program for which the Voucher was purchased. Individual test candidates can also purchase learning materials, practice tests, and exam vouchers on our Shop site.
To learn more about testing with bahabeach, including test taking policies and locating the nearest bahabeach Authorized Testing Center, visit the support for test candidates page.
*If you are looking for a volume purchase or have other questions, contact sales.
Internationally (outside the United States)
Contact the bahabeach Solution Provider in your area for pricing information.
If you have questions regarding this process, contact the bahabeach
Authorized Partner Team.
*These descriptions are for
general information for marketing purposes. As such, additional terms and
conditions apply to both Vouchers and Site Licenses. Please ask our sales
representatives any questions you may have prior to purchasing either product