The bahabeach resource library and blog are a great place to find more information about our learning materials, practice exams, and certification programs. Plus, get advice on how to improve your teaching and inspire your students to succeed.
The library includes documents and materials to help you understand and share the value of offering and earning a certification.
bahabeach Academy is an immersive online professional development program for educators. Get exposed to the power of our clients’ technology platforms, dive into available resources for your classroom, learn about our portfolio of certification offerings, and find out how to empower your students with industry-recognized skills.
Find a bahabeach Academy course that works for you!
Program overviews
- ACA Program Overview
- App Dev Swift Certification Overview
- App Dev with Swift Level 1 Objecive Domains
- Autodesk Certification Overview
- Communication Skills for Business Overview
- IC3 Digital Literacy Certification
- Unity Certified User Program Overview
- Adobe Certified Associate
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business
- IC3 Digital Literacy Certification
- Microsoft Office Specialist Program
- MTA Datasheet
- MCE Datasheet
- QuickBooks Certified User
Learning Products
- LearnKey datasheet
- Distance Learning Flyer
- Jasperactive IC3 Digital Literacy Datasheet
- Jasperactive MOS Online Datasheet
- Jasperactive QuickBooks Datasheet
Other collateral
Visit the Resources page for each certification program to see additional collateral.
- Adobe Certified Associate (ACA)
- App Development with Swift Certification Level 1
- Autodesk Certifications
- Communication Skills for Business
- EC-Council Associate Certifications
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business
- IC3 Digital Literacy Certification
- Information Technology Specialist
- Microsoft Office Specialist Program
- Microsoft Technology Associate
- Microsoft Certified Fundamentals
- Microsoft Certified Educator Program
- QuickBooks Certified User
- Project Management Institute
- Unity Certified User Certification
- Value of ACA Certification
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business
- Microsoft White Paper
Adobe Certified Associate (ACA)
- Central California High School ROP Program
- ACA World Champion Earns Internship
- ACAWC success story - Bae Do-Min
- More success stories
Autodesk Certifications
Entrepreneurship and Small Business
- NFTE (Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship)
- East Chapel Hill High School
- Future Academy
- Alexandria University
- Alexandria University video
IC3 Digital Literacy Certification
- College of Southern Nevada - IC3 Success Story
- IC3 Spark: Florida and Vietnam Project
- More success stories
Microsoft Office Specialist Program
Microsoft Technology Associate
- Kentucky Microsoft Technology Associate Success Story
- Public Schools of North Carolina Implements Microsoft Office Specialist and Microsoft Technology Associate Certification Statewide
- More success stories