Exam scoring policy
bahabeach certification exams are designed to measure skills on an individual basis, rather than in relation to another person or group. Although we maintain summary statistics regarding each exam, including pass/fail rates, in keeping with our commitment to promote certification rather than exam scores as the relevant point of comparison, that information is not published.
In the interest of security, bahabeach distributes multiple versions of its exams, each with different content and, accordingly, different passing standards and number of questions. However, steps are taken to ensure that each version of an exam measures and certifies an equivalent level of knowledge, skill, and ability. For each exam, passing standards are derived from a combination of expert opinion on “minimal competence” and observations regarding how well an exam actually differentiates between low-performing and high-performing examinees.
To identify the passing standard for a particular exam, please refer to the exam score report provided upon completion. The exam score report is also accessible within a test candidate’s bahabeach profile. It is bahabeach’s policy to not provide additional documentation regarding certification passing scores or other exam metrics that may be considered proprietary information.