Ready for National Entrepreneurship Week 2022?
February 3, 2022
Entrepreneurial spirit is growing across the United States. In fact, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 5.4 million new business applications were filed in 2021, a new record over 2020’s 4.4 million applications. Unfortunately, many new businesses don’t succeed. In fact, over 50% of small businesses fail within the first year.
Many entrepreneurs have the passion and drive to open their doors but may lack the knowledge for how to help their business thrive. This business knowledge can come from many sources, from consultants, online resources, or market research.
But why wait until students are out of school to empower them with entrepreneurial skills? Tomorrow’s business leaders are in the classroom today, which means it’s crucial to give students the knowledge they need before graduation. This is where National Entrepreneurship Week comes in.
What Is National Entrepreneurship Week?
National Entrepreneurship Week is a congressionally-chartered initiative founded in 2006 that takes place the third week of February annually. This movement was established to celebrate America’s entrepreneurship ecosystem. Every year, National Entrepreneurship Week hosts a series of planned events and helps cross promote partner events taking place across the country. You can see the full line-up of events here, all taking place between February 12-16, 2022.
Can I Join National Entrepreneurship Week as an Educator?
Absolutely! As an entrepreneurship educator, you are crucial to the entrepreneurship economy. In fact, the National Entrepreneurship Week team has set aside Monday, February 14th as Entrepreneurship Education Day. There are four major events happening on Monday:
Entrepreneurship Education: Higher Education
Join the National Entrepreneurship Week team and the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship for an engaging discussion on the landscape of higher education entrepreneurship, best practices, and higher education's role in the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Time: 1:00 PM ET
Entrepreneurship Education: Community Colleges
In this session, the National Entrepreneurship Week team and the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship will explore best practices for entrepreneurship education, the importance of entrepreneurship to community college systems, and how community colleges are incubators of innovation in their communities.
Time: 2:00 PM ET
Entrepreneurship Education: K-12
During this event, the Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education explores best practices in K-12 entrepreneurship education and its importance in the K-12 classroom.
Time: 3:00 PM ET
Eship Edu: Beyond the Formal Classroom
In Monday’s final session, a panel of incredible guest speakers will look at entrepreneurship education programs that exist outside of the traditional classroom. Hear from the educators that teach these programs, and the entrepreneurs that have been taught, in this impactful session.
Time: 4:00 PM ET
Remember, Monday is just the start! There’s a full line-up all week, so tune in Tuesday through Friday for additional sessions.
Where Can I Get More Information about National Entrepreneurship Week?
The National Entrepreneurship Week team is ready to answer your questions! Connect with them through the Reach Out form available here.
Hannah Davis